The photos
Here are some of my photos. They are in two groups, Set Up and The Show. I will be adding more photos as time goes on. Note that these photos are low-res, so the ones in the book will be sharper.
All of the photos will be available for purchase soon online as archive-quality photographic prints. Email me if you can't wait!
These are some of the photos I took at Barton Hall earlier in the day as the Grateful Dead crew and the Cornell Concert Commission crew worked for many hours to build the stage, set up the lighting, build the scaffolding on the stage, and set up the instruments and all the band's equipment. I also have photos of the crowd before the show and the sound check.
The show
Here are a few of the photos I took during the show. The wider angle images are from the first set and the tighter images are from the second set and encore. I will arrange all of the photos in my book by set and in chronological order, so you can try to match the photos with the songs.